About us

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We are an all-round translation agency; we organize translations in every language, in any language combination, in every specialty area.

We have a network of language professionals in more than 10 countries.

We have translation experience, market experience, and specialized know-how.

We’re experts in translation logistics.

We organize your translations. In every language. In any language combination. In every specialty area. All from one and the same source. The experts at Scott Translations have all the strings in their hands. Your contact is responsible for pro­cessing your job from start to finish, maintaining quality assurance where the strictest standards apply for accuracy, language, and style. And he or she is always personally available to advise on your specific needs.

We’re a team of professionals

We’re experienced professionals. Correspondingly, we work with the most experienced freelancers. Our translators are translators in the truest sense of the word, adapting your texts to suit language, subject matter, and mentality of the target audience or reproducing thern, if need be, word for word.

We think in global terms. Down to the finest detail

We produce global solutions with meticulous attention to detail, combining traditional thinking with unconventional methods and vice-versa. We’re professionals in quality, dependability, flexibility, efficiency, cost transparency, reliability, confidentiality, and infrastructure. We’re pro­fessionals because we have set our hearts on being professionals, especially when it comes to provi­ding innovative special services.

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